From the photos we take with the drone we can obtain what are known as Point-Clouds, which are 3D representations that are used in civil engineering, architecture, agriculture and forestry.

Our 3D Maps & Models can be used for a variety of purposes

Accurate representations

Hosted Online

Interactive maps

Monitoring, simulation, analytics, and control.

Interact with one of our 3D Models from a farm in Wisconsin.

Some of our 3D Maps and Models we have produced

San Pedro Cafetitlán, Oaxaca

Vía Orgánica, San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato

Justin Trussoni Farm, De Soto, Wisconsin.

Vía Orgánica Entrance Booth

Vía Orgánica Mural

Vía Orgánica Agavetum

Canopy Height Model of Justin Trussoni's Forest

Digital Elevation Model of a Maple Forest, Viroqua, Wisconsin.

Digital Elevation Model of Justin Trussoni's Farm.