Founded in 2010 in Guanajuato, Hombres de Maíz has been dedicated to working with Permaculture and Bioconstruction. With the objective of teaching how to build, grow food, capture and collect rainwater in the most efficient, simple and economical way possible.

In 2014 he found what he would call home. Using techniques such as Keyline design, seed pumps (Nendo Dango) and natural mulching he was able to restore the landscape.

In addition to using native plants and species for reforestation, it implemented agroforestry systems known as "Food Forests". In addition to providing food, chickens play a very important role in the management of natural cycles.

Here is a comparisson of Permaculture versus traditional agricultural systems.

Here you can interact with the point-cloud of the farm. Adjust the settings if necessary.

COB was the method used for the construction of his home. Lime finishes with mineral pigments decorate his walls.

Solar panels and rainwater harvesting are some of the eco-technologies of this house, the water used passes through a bio-filter system. It is designed to clean the water through the use of plants and minerals.

Hombres de Maíz currently has more than 200 projects in Mexico and presence in 10 countries. They have trained more than 10,000 people since 2010.

"We were put here in this place and time, with the purpose of maintaining and caring for this planet, bringing life and abundance to all its corners, thus reproducing the true likeness between us and our creator which is to care for and maintain that which is loved."

- Rodrigo Lañado